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Книг в разделе: 36 на странице: 1-15 | Авторы: А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Э Ю Я [?] по имени ищем:святых и монахов(епископов); по фамилии-священников, мирян | Страницы: 1 2 3 » |
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also known as Examined and Approved by the Most Holy Governing Synod, and Published for the Use of Schools, and of all Orthodox Christians, by Order of His Imperial Majesty (Moscow, at the Synodical Press, 1830).
Orthodox Books |Просмотров: 1557 | |
I—Introductory Remarks on the Importance of Orthodoxy
Orthodox Books |Просмотров: 1515 | |
Sanasto on tarkoitettu Suomen ortodoksisen kirkon seurakuntien käyttöön ja myös kaikille ortodoksisuudesta kiinnostuneille. Ensimmäisenä annetaan sanan perusmerkitys tai virallinen merkitys. Synonyymit esitetään kaarisulkeissa, sanan läheiset merkitykset erotetaan pilkulla ja homonyymit puolipisteellä. Hakasulkeissa esitetään ilmaisun lisäosa tai kursiivilla kirjoitettu selitys. Verbin vartalo erotetaan pystyviivalla│ja päätteiden vaihtoehdot annetaan kaarisulkeissa. Sanaston on laatinut Andrei Platonov. Termien tarkistuksen ovat tehneet Oulun metropoliitta Panteleimon ja ylidiakoni Jyrki Härkönen.
Orthodox Books |Просмотров: 1570 | |
Orthodox Books |Просмотров: 1484 | |
A Ghost Story of Christmas
Orthodox Books |Просмотров: 1449 | |
Orthodox Books |Просмотров: 1614 | |
First English Edition
Orthodox Books |Просмотров: 2450 | |
Orthodox Books |Просмотров: 1855 | |
The New Chrysostom, Bishop of Ochrid and Zhicha
Orthodox Books |Просмотров: 1616 | |
1. Conversion to Christianity of the Bulgarian people and foundation of the Bulgarian Church
Orthodox Books |Просмотров: 1687 | |
1. What’s all this commotion?
Orthodox Books |Просмотров: 1558 | |
1. Christian Worship
Orthodox Books |Просмотров: 1722 | |
Introduction. Totalitarian sects and freedom of conscience
Orthodox Books |Просмотров: 1731 | |
Orthodox Books |Просмотров: 1753 | |
Reproduced below is an individual's description of his having been restored to life after dying, which was published by Mr. K. Uekskuell in the "Moscow Journal" towards the end of the last century. In 1916, Archbishop Nikon, a member of the Holy Synod, reprinted the article in his publication "Trinity Pages" with the following comments: "in regard to this narrative, in due time, we had correspondence with its author, who, after ascertaining its validity, testified that his subject, after relating his experience, entered into a monastery. In view of the fact that nothing in his narrative is in contradiction to the stand of the Church on the mystery of death and the life beyond death, we feel it beneficial to reprint this article as a separate publication."
Orthodox Books |Просмотров: 1432 | |